Friday 5 July 2013

Back In Black - ACDC Digipak

We like the ink effect that is shown throughout the digipack, the place for the CD was then made to be an ink pot to tie it all together so we have a clear on-going theme. The ink is also black which resembles the 'black' from the album title track 'Back in Black' that we made the music video for.
We used the font 'Brushed' for all of the text in the digipack as we felt it went with the genre of music and general feel of the song.
Though we initially lost the photographs that we took for the digipack, we used screenshots from the video itself - this ended up working out well for us as they are good quality, all have a clear link, and give a taster of the video itself. So it's more recognizable.
The main photoshop tool that we used was the paint brush, which we then changed to the '1000' size paint splattering effect - which we made a black colour, and added to most of the sides of the digipack.

For Next Year:
Though we tried to have a colour scheme for the digipack, the lighting was different in the two main screenshots and next year we would want to take proper images for the main cover and make sure the lighting was the same - if we couldn't then we would at least need more time to correct the lighting properly in photoshop.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Back In Black Music Video - Karaoke Task

Editing on the beat - We think that we edited on the beat quite well. However the clips, despite being edited in time with the music, were quite long and to be more in-keeping of the rock genre we probably would have needed to have more choppy editing. This would have been achieved by shooting more clips in the allocated time we had with the camera. We needed more locations also, so next time wouldn't shoot in college.

Lip-syncing- The lip-syncing in this music video was mostly good, we made sure we dragged the clips to be in time with the music. One of the parts of chorus wasn't matched with the correct video clip so the lip-syncing looks slightly out of time, however this was just a practice task and next year we would make sure we set aside enough time to edit in a clip that was more in time with the lyrics.

Genre Conventions - We tried to edit the clips on the beat well so that it would be in-keeping with the well-timed, snappy music videos from Rock artists. The costumes were also a convention of rock music, school uniforms worn wrong to seem 'rebellious' and the classic leather jackets. We incorporated a clip of a power slide as another convention of a rock music performance. Next year if we did the Rock genre we would choose the location carefully as this is important in enhancing the rock genre conventions, and would do more research in to where videos are usually located.